GREETING: Silamat Mandung

Bidayuh (Bi-Dayuh) or Land Dayaks is one of the minority ethnic in Sarawak. They are the second largest Dayak ethnic group in Sarawak after the Iban (Sea Dayaks). The name Bidayuh it self mean "the people of land". "Bi" mean "people" or "orang" and "Dayuh" mean "Land". Despite grouped into one race, they use different language and dialect. the Bidayuh language can be divide into 3 major language that is Bukar-Sadong, Singai-Jagoi and Biatah. From this 3 major language it can be divided into many more complicated dialects. That is why although they the share the same races, its hard to understand each other. Normally to communicate with each other from different ethnic groups, the Bidayuhians use "Bahsa sarawak" (Melayu Sarawak) Malays or English.
Sumber: wikipedia

Just for reminder

This is a Bidayuh bukar sadong (Serian) - Malay / English translation. All of this word are use by the bidayuh from our village, that is Kpg Batu Bedang. Although this is a Bidayuh Bukar Sadong dialect, some of the word maybe different depends on the kampung's. But I believe all of Bidayuh from Serian understand this word.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Song with translation

Kampung Love by Acid Rain

Siti mah kisah wang aku masih bicinta
This is the story while I'm still in love

Dengan indi dayung samah binua
With one girl from the same village

ami bijanggi ira masau mende bisindi
We promise to marry and live together

so this is what she said to me one day

I,I, I, I love you very bageg
I,I, I, I love you very strong

I, I, I, I kiss you bayuh sade
I, I, I, I kiss you not enough

Why, why, why, why I miss you tiap ngare
Why, why, why, why I miss you every night

My, my love is just for you

Aku pun geram so I went to Melaya
I was furious so I went to Melaya

Ira ngumpul duit tinan bitunang
Want to raise money for engage

wang aku meri I feel very very sad
When I returned home I feel very very sad

Ngin my kampung love has got married
Because my Kampung love has got married


Siti mah - This is
Kisah - Story
Wang - while/when
Aku - I
bicinta - In love
Dengan - with
Dayung - Girl/Women
Samah - same
Binua/kampung - Village
Ami - we
Bijanggi(Janggi) - Promise
Ira - Want
Masau - Marry a girl (menuh/bibanuh - Marry a men)
Mende - Live (other meaning is silent)
Bisindi - Together
Bageg - Strong
Bayuh - Not
Sede - Enough
Tiap - Every
Ngaru - Night
Pun - Even,Was,too
Geram - Furious
Ngumpul - Raise/collect
Tinan - Use
Bitunang - Engaged
meri - return
Ngin - Because

Friday, August 12, 2011

Basic Conversation 2

Thank You
Terima Kasih

You're welcome
Samah samah

It's all right. / It's ok
Kai menih menih

Paguh / Baik

Not Good
Kai paguh

Bad - Biek

Delicious - Sidik

I like
Aku suka

I like you
Aku nyuka amu

I like _____(person) very much
Aku nyuka _______ menu menu

Please come in
Merut boh

Please sit down
Ugu boh

* word "boh" is a slang used by the serian bidayuh. Its more like "Lah" in Malay slang. Or in a proper word "Imbuhan" (remuneration) in Bidayuh grammer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Basic Conversation

What is your name?
Asih ganan amu?

My name is _______.
Ganan aku _______.

Nice/glad to meet you.
Birangun dapat bidapud dengan amu.

Long time no see.
Tuhai kita anyap bidapud

How are you?
Anih agah amu?

I'm fine.
Aku paguh.

I hope to see you soon.
Harap kita bidapud lagik/bauh.

See you later.
Bidapud lagik matik.

See you tomorrow.
Bidapud lagi pagi.

** Hello/hi is the same. Universal word

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Arenut - Pinang - Bahai
Bamboo - Buluh - Burui (Buluh betong - Taring)
Betel - Sirih - Be-id
Coco - Koko - Kuko
Coconut - Kelapa - Buntan
Common Nepenthes - Periuk Kera - Krimuok
Fern - Pucuk Paku - Pakuh
Ginger - Halia - Leya
Glutinous rice - Pulut - Sundoi
Grass - Rumput - Uduh
Lemon Grass - Serai - Sere'
Mushroom - Cendawan - Kurat
Paddy - Padi - Padi
Rattan - Rotan - Uwi
Rubber tree - Pokok Getah - Batang petek
Sago - Sagu - Saguk
Sugar cane - tebu - Jijok
Sweet potato - Ubi keledek - Ile
Tapioca - Ubi kayu - Bandong
Thatch grass - Lalang - Pedang
Sensitive plan - Semalu - Uduh meyak
Yam - Keladi - Kuduk


Ant - Semut - Subi
Bee - Lebah - Sanget
Bettle - Kumbang - Ntabun
Dragonfly - Pepatung - Sidanau
Butterfly - Rama rama - Sibambang
Fly - Lalat - Turak
Mosquito - Nyamuk - Pirungang
Firefly - Api-api - Singkarep
Cockroach - Lipas - Lipas
Dog-flea - Kutu anjing - Tangkun
tadpole - Berudu - Tigugog
Spider - Labah labah - Gengak
Scorpion - Kala jengking - Kala
Gad Fly - Lalat kerbau- Rangu
Grasshopper - Belalang - Kadis

So many others but I'm not really sure. Please give feedback.


Canon - Meriam - Bedir
Parang - Parang - Buko
Gun - Senapang - Sinapang
Arrow - Anak Panah - Arow
Sword - Pedang - Pedang
Blowpipe - Sumpitan - Sumpit
Knife - Pisau - Pisok
Catapult - Lastik - Setik


In - Dalam - Abih
Above - Atas - Sambu
Down - Bawah - Segan
At - Pada - Da'
Edge - Tepi - Bengih
Centre - Tengah - Tuda
In Between - Di antara - Da tuda
End - Hujung - Pangan
Before - Sebelum - Sibayuh
After - Selepas - Meh/Mbuh
Far - Jauh - Juho
Across - Menyeberang - Metas
Upstream - Hulu - Sijo
Downstream - hilir - Seba
Here - Di sini - A-ti/angti/da-ti
Back - belakang - Kundot/Kenang
High - Tinggi - Datuh
Front - Depan - Jewi
Front end - Pangkal - Puun
Right - Kanan - Mehit
Left - Ntauh/Kiluk
Corner - Penjuru - Sikuk
Upstairs - Tingkat atas - Rengah
Downstairs - Tingkat bawah - Segan
Inside - Di dalam - Da abih
Into - Ke dalam - Neg abih
Opposite - Bertentangan - Bitentang
On (switch) - Buka - Pasang
Off (switch) - Tutup - tutup
Out - Keluar - luah
Near - Dekat - Sasei
Nearby - Dekat - Ajak


Moon - Bulan - Buran
Full Moon - Bulan Mengmbang - Buran bahas
Sun - Matahari - Bateh andu
Rain - Hujan - Buro/Ujan
Heavy rain - Hujan lebat - Buro gente'
Dizzle - Hujan renyai-renyai - Buro parapesir
Cloud - Awan - Remang
Dew - Embun - Embu
Sky - Langit - Rangit
Mountain - Gunung - Darud
Cave - Gua - Gua
Hill - Bukit - Kajuh
Island - Pulau - Pulau
Land - Tanah - Tana
Ice - Air batu - Ais
River - Sungai - Sungi/tipen
Rainbow - Pelangi - Pinyayuk
Muddy - Lumpur - Tawang
Mist - Kabus - Kabus/Kabu'
Hot - Panas - Pere'
Sunny day - Panas terik - Legak pite'
Cold - Sejuk - Bebi
Dust - Debu - debu
Forest - Hutan - Terun
Flood - Banjir - Uba
Pool/Pond - Kolam - Kulam
Sand - Pasir - Pasir
Wind - Angin - Mehu
Waterfall - Air terjun - Mon jenjuk
Storm - Ribut - Ribut
Stone - Batu - Batuh
Star - Bintang - Binte'
Smoke - Asap - Asuh
Sea - Laut - Laut
Shadow - Bayang bayang - Sadeng
Water - air - Mon/umon
Thunder - Guruh - Dandeng
Lightning - Kilat - Pacak
Road - Jalan - Jaran
Cloudy - Mendung - Legam
Light - Cahaya - Jewa
Fire - Api - Apui


Circle - Bulat - Bereng

**others are same with malay words.

*** Same also with measurement units like kg, cm, acre, feet etc..